forestfit training and certification
Setting the standards for Australian businesses
A fully certified forestry supply chain strengthens the social license and public confidence that the Australian forest industry operates at the highest international standards.
ForestFit™ Certification Standards provide a whole of business approach to support sustainable, safe and environmental business practices to strengthen future viability.
ForestFit™ was codesigned by representatives of the entire forestry supply chain to certify that forest contracting businesses meet the evolving needs of the industry and international standards.
ForestFit™ criteria were developed with a risk based approach for management systems and further contextualised for contracting businesses undertaking harvest, haul, civil, silviculture and/or minor forest products operations.
ForestFit™ Training and Certification is owned by AFCA.
FORESTFIT™ Question and answer
Answering some of your questions as the industry moves forward with clarifying the roles and responsibilities for commercial and operational risk through the Australian Forest Industries ForestFit™ Memorandum of Understanding, the National Optimal Auditing Pathway and other international regulatory changes...DOWNLOAD
31 JUL (THU) staKeholder briefing
The Standards Revision Committee (SRC) was convened to undertake the inaugural technical revision of the ForestFit™ Standards and Criteria to ensure ForestFit™ meets its objectives, is fit for purpose and remains contemporary. The SRC is dissolved upon completion of the Standard Revision actions.
The revision and public consultation processes are now completed. Stakeholders are welcome to join us for a briefing to review updates to the ForestFit™ Standards and Certification scheme on 31 Jul (THU).
Please email to receive the meeting invite.