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Adam Campbell 2022
 Alan Greensill2010
 Alan Beveridge (Dec)2013
 Allan Bills (Dec) 2013
 Alwin Williams (Dec)2013
 Andrew Mahnken2016
 Andrew Poston (Dec)2016
 Andy Padgett A.M.2010
 Angelo Landa 2010
 Anthony Beams2010
 Anthony Brown2016
 Anthony Green2010
 Arol Geeves2010
 Arthur Gandy (Dec)2013
 Athol Barker2010
 Barry Kingston2010
 Barry Arnold2010
 Barry Asher2014
 Barry Barker2010
 Barry Kingston2010
 Bernie Dawson2013
 Betty Tasker2010
 Bill Box2013
 Bill Hollingsworth2013
 Bob & Ian Slater2016
 Bradley Watson (Dec)2010
 Brian Muskett (Dec)2010
 Brian Stone2010
 Brian Walters2010
 Brian Wilson2013
 Carl Cox 2010
 Cedric Cocks2010
 Charlie Wiggins (Dec)2010
 Chris Hall2010
 Christian Stafford2022
 Christine Hoffman2010
 Clive Mitchell2016
 Colin & Jill Wescombe2016
 Colin McCullock2016
 Colin Moreland2010
 Cyril Dohnt2010
 Cyril Giovanetti (Dec)2013
 Cyril Smith (Dec)2010
 Dale Mitchell2014
 Darrell Triffett2010
 Daryl Dawson2013
 David Blackwood2022
 David Nuttall2010
David Wagner2010
 Dennis James2010
Dennis Smith 2013
 Don Simons (Dec)2010
 Don Burmas2013
 Donald Beams2010
 Douglas Bowen (Dec)2018
 Ed 'Murray' Grose 2010
 Edward Beams2010
 EJ 'Mick' McCulloch (Dec)2010
 Ernest 'Bill' William (Dec) 2010
 Frank Brunt (Dec) 2013
 Fred Birrell (Dec)2010
 Fred Green (Dec)2010
 Fred Jelliff2016
 Garry Leeson2013
 Gary Bergin2018
 Gary Brookes (Dec)2013
 Geoff Brookes2013
 Geoff Groves (Dec)2010
 Geoff Taylor2014
 Geoff Green (Dec)2010
 Geoffrey Muskett2018
 George Whatley (Dec)2010
 Gino Zannoni (Dec)2010
 Glen Northrop2010
 Glen Radford2010
 Graeme Cox2010
 Graham Fennell2016
 Graham Carstein2013
 Greg Smeathers2013
 Harold Stacey2010
 Harold Winkel2013
 Herman Offerman2014
 Ian Reid2022
 Ian Walters2010
 Ivan Wiggins2010
 Ivan Crawford (Dec)2013
 Ivan Dohnt2010
 Jack Wilson2010
 James Asher2022
 Jeff Loton2016
 Jim Crozier2010
 Joe Blair2010
 Joe Offerman2014
 John Driver2010
 John McConachy2010
 John Whately2010
 John Witherow2010
Karen Hall2018
 Ken Hall2010
 Ken Mahnken 2010
 Ken Padgett 2010
 Kevin Aylett (Dec)2010
 Kevin Boult2010
 Kevin Dohnt (Dec) 2010
 Kevin Morgan2010
 Kevin Muskett2010
 Kevin Williams2010
 Kim Gandy2013
 Lawrence Dohnt (Dec)2010
 Lawrence Hoffman2010
 Len Blyth (Dec)2010
 Leo Cotton (Dec)2010
 Leo Perotti2010
 Leon Triffett2010
 Les McDonnell2010
 Les Walkden2010
 Lex McLean2010
 Lindsay Hibberson2013
 Lloyd Cocks2010
 Malcolm Beveridge2013
 Mark Blackberry2016
 Matt Van Dam2022
 Maurice Jordan2010
 Max Dohnt (Dec)2010
 Max Helm2010
 Max Iles (Dec)2010
 Max Jones2014
 Mayne Coverley (Dec)2010
 Mervyn Rawlings (Dec)2010
 Michael & Sue Mangan2016
 Michael Giovanetti2013
 Michael Johnston2016
 Morris Dohnt (Dec)2010
 Neil Gandy (Dec)2013
 Nigel Saunders 2010
 Ninnion Stratten2010
 Norm & Wendy Wilton2016
 Oliver 'Percy' Chatwin2010
 Owen Smith2010
 Pat Dawson2013
 Paul Rosin2013
 Peter McConachy2016
 Peter Williams2010
 Phillip Voss2018
Pip Lynch2010
 RC Bob Long2010
 Ray Barr2013
 Ray Palmer2010
 Ray Smith (Dec)2010
 Raymond Simons (Dec)2010
 Reg Smith (Dec)2010
Reginald  (Jack) Jaffray (Dec) 2010
 Ricky Howell2010
 Robert Kerrison2022
 Robert Christian2013
 Robert Driver2010
 Robert Muskett2016
 Robert Williamson2010
 Robin McKinnell2016
 Robin 'Tommy' Simons2010
 Rodney Bishop2010
 Rodney Bye2010
 Ron Schrader (Dec)2013
 Ron Heywood2013
 Ronald Gillie2010
 Ronald O'Connor 2010
 Scott Arnold2010
 Shirley Smith2013
 Silvio Zannoni (Dec)2010
 Stefano Perotti2010
 Stephen Cocks2018
 Stephen Flewin2010
 Steven Cox2022
 Steven Giovanetti2013
 Steven Witherow2016
Tim Christian 2010
 Tony Battel2013
 Tony Bennett (Dec)2010
 Tony Moretti2010
 Tony Stonjek2022
 Trevor Howell (Dec)2010
 Trevor Leis2010
 Trevor Waugh2013
 Vere Ollington2010
 Victor Wheller2010
 Vince Zuvela2013
 Wally Cunneen2013
 Warren Rann2013
 Yule Woolley2010

industry icons

 Alan Greensill2010
Andrew Mahnken2022
Andrew Padgett A.M.2010
 Brian Muskett (Dec)2010
EJ 'Mick' McCulloch (Dec)2010
Fred Jelliff2016
 Garry Leeson2016
 Geoff Groves (Dec)2010
 Ivan Crawford (Dec)2013
 John Witherow2013
 Karen Hall2018
 Kevin Morgan2018
Lawrence Dohnt (Dec)2010
 Lloyd Cocks2010
 Mayne Coverley (Dec)2010
Scott Arnold2022
Tony Bennett (Dec)2016
 Wally Cunneen2013

Service to industry

Gary Blackwood2022
Chet Cline (Dec)2022
 Arthur Coleman2016
David Drane2016
Nigel Howard2022
Garry Kennedy2018
David Quill2016
Mark Sealy
Geoff Squires2016
Geoff Tyers2016
Ray Walker2016
 Brenton Yon2016
 Frank Shields2013
Noel Burrows2013
 Oliver Raymond2013
Peter Capes2013

Next Generation Achiever

 Angus Cooper & Samuel Blackberry2022

excellence in safety

The Mangan Group2022

Excellence in operations

 Jotham Allwright2022

female leader

 Theresa Lonergan2022